Role of Supply Chain Management In Healthcare

Healthcare Supply Chain Logistics refers to a set of processes involving several teams and the movement of medicines, surgical equipment, and other things that healthcare personnel require to execute their jobs. Supply Chain in Healthcare aims to identify departmental weaknesses and suggest solutions to mitigate them. Its goal is to identify vulnerable regions so that targeted health outcomes can be achieved and enhance global health spending. Improved operations, efficient resource usage, delighted staff, effective treatment, and happy patients are all benefits of an efficient supply chain management in healthcare.

The significance of the research paper is to assess potential healthcare loopholes and offer restrictions that can be used in practice to improve healthcare. To fulfil the objectives, hospitals should construct an Integrated Supply Chain. The supply chain ensures that the hospital's departments, operations, and revenue cycle are adequately linked.

The following are some essential qualities to look for when choosing a supply chain management in Healthcare:

  • Communication
  • Ease-of-use
  • Scalability
  • Supply chain methodologies
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Open, flexible design

All of the procedures should be integrated into one. The supply chain guarantees that medicine/products are available at the right moment, eliminating inventory waste, maximising patient care, and decreasing human error/medication errors by coordinating across all departments. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including subsystem integration, workflow streamlining, and the use of RFID technology, standard product codes, and Global Identification numbers (GIN)


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